SPOTLIGHT: Conquered by Paula Quinene
As many of you know, I am a huge history buff, and by far my favorite is military history. I am a sucker for war-time love stories and so...

SPOTLIGHT: K.C. Bateman - A Raven's Heart
I have the utmost pleasure to welcome this next author to the Yellow Book Road. K.C. Bateman and I attended the Romance Writer's of...

SPOTLIGHT: No Known Address by Jo A. Hiestand
It's about that time again. Time for a new book, a new author, and soon-to-come a new review. Please help me welcome Jo A. Hiestand and...

SPOTLIGHT: Taken by Amy McKinley
I'm extremely excited to introduce my new website to the Goddess Fish family today. Welcome to the Yellow Book Road. Today, I have a...

JAM: Jordan and Mary Review
Not to gush or anything but JAM, is one of the best independent debut novels I’ve yet to read. Some drag or don’t know how to put an...

New Release! JAM: Jordan and Mary
I AM SO EXCITED for today! Introducing a new book to the masses is always an exciting day but when it's a brand new author and brand new...